The TJX Companies, Inc.: Student & Early In Career Programs

Merchandising Intern

May - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I loved my internship with TJX! Being in New York City, I had access to a vast network of vendors in the fashion market. Each week I spent time in the market (3-5 appointments per week) and spent time in the office (looking at selling reports and helping to execute buys). I loved the responsibility my supervising buyer gave me and it helped me to truly discover if I want to pursue this career.

What I wish was different


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Planning and Allocation Intern

May - August 2018 • Framingham, MA

What I liked

This was my second internship at TJX but this time I worked in planning and allocation. I worked alongside allocation analysts, associate planners, and a planning manager. I enjoyed getting to learn about the business from a more analytical stand point. I actually got to ship goods to the Homegoods stores, which was really exciting. I got to go into the stores and say "I choose to ship this here". I received so much responsibility throughout my time at TJX and feel very prepared to work there after graduation. I also had to take part in an intern project where we had to build a growth strategy for a department within Homegoods based on what the competition is doing. It was very helpful in learning how TJX evaluates the competition and I loved getting to work with the other interns.

What I wish was different

There is nothing that I would of wanted to change about my experience.


Take advantage of all of the networking opportunities throughout the Summer. Make an effort to get to know the other interns, both planning and buying associates, your recruiter, and manager.
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